Cartoon of the song "Mariel y el Capitán" by Dani López

She takes the elevator to the morning without dread of that falls
Fall in the fifth floor and touches with two blows To the door C
Is opened and Mariel enters

In the fifth one he lives, is the brave captain of the frigate
And when comes Mariel, he leaves the cap and serves tea with lemon
Or probably coffee

The consortium met
And about the captain one spoke
And the indignant ladies were protesting

But the captain was absent
And at the meeting he was not present
It was natural, was with Mariel

She takes the elevator to the night
without dread of that falls
But she did not come to the fifth one...

Someone the rope cut him and fell
And Mariel like that died

And the poor captain full of amazement and of pain committed suicide
And to the instant the consortium a party organized
To where it went?
It was in fifth floor C

The consortium feasted
And about the captain one spoke
And the satisfied ladies smiled
But the captain was absent
And at the meeting he was not present
It was natural, was with Mariel.
To where he was?

Letter and music: García, Mestre (Sui Generis)

Drawings: Dani López (RDL)
Visit his blog doing click on the picture

4 comentarios:

Don Belce dijo...

Excelente Dani, bienvenido a este blog!

RDL dijo...

Gracias Sergio!!! quedo maravilloso!!! tu blog está buenisimo saludos amigazoooo.comentame mas de este nuevo emprendimiento,

el oso dijo...

Dany. Un maestro nos trajiste hoy, Álvarez, simple y complejo a la vez, con toda la carga y dinamismo que se puede tener en el dibujo.
Felicitaciones a ambos...

Anónimo dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.